hump day images

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hump Day PhotosPhoto Sources: BuzzFeed (1. Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt.And this is me channeling my best Craft Lake City bird face. (photo )Hump Day PhotosHump Day PhotosHump Day Photos. what kind of lizard he is) to snap a photo of him sunning himself Sunday .Hump Day PhotosWe devoured our favorite treat. Oh and my grandparents had this guy waiting . (photo )This is where we all spent Saturday afternoon, at the birthday party for my . (donna me june )Hump Day PhotosIt was crazy hot and humid but, oddly enough, none of us even got in the .LOOK WHAT I FINALLY FINISHED! Okay, let me back up, a few months ago I went . (photo )The birthday girl. Sunday night, my sister's doga darling little Jack . (birthday girl)And actually go to the beach one day & play in the sand. (photo ). spent Saturday afternoon, at the birthday party for my precious little . (meg)Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the cookies (I used a small sifter because . (photo ). spread all the way through the cookie, so don't use too much. (photo )The birthday girl. (water slide meg). the corner from our house, on a leash I might add! (photo ). update this little site. There's been a lot going on, a lot of deciding . (screen shot at ). patience, especially with the mildly ornate corners but a sponge brush . (photo )the weather has been grey, but in a dramatic and fresh kind of way (screen shot at )I got up close and personal enough with this little guy (I have no idea what .So I scoured Deseret Industries and found a beat up and yucky colored frame . (photo ). they are done, even if they are still a bit gooey. (photo)I adjusted a bit, try it before the summer is over, it is so fresh and yummy . (photo ). $4.49 each; 1 bottle of Sterling Martha Stewart craft paint for $1.86 . (photo ). less pronounced. Then I hung the darling little monster above my . (photo )and then. the always inspiring Eleni from My Paradissi posted a confettied . (ifra lahell)But seeing as that one was already sold (and sold for $1650) (photo )Oh and my grandparents had this guy waiting for us when we got there! (photo ). and volunteer I did. They had a lot of positions available and I opted . (photo )Here is Say when we went back at night & avoided the heat. (photo )Above is my current read. It sounds comical but really takes a rather . (mwf seeking bff)NPC Sacramento Body Building?! Yes. I am here to support a friend even when . (photo on at )Hopefully the weekend is cozy & sunny & involves toast and coffee and warm . (hhh )I even got the above super cute Volunteer badge. (photo )

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